Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Pregnancy
Is this your first pregnancy: Yes
Was it planned: Yes
What was your first reaction: So fast and soon shock!
Who was with you when you found out: Lalli. He had crashed on our couch the night before. I randomly decided to take a test, assuming it would be negative. But it wasn't.
Who was the first person you told: Lalli. Then Jónas.
How far along are you: 23 weeks :)
What was your first symptom: My boobs hurt for over a week.
What is your due date: March 15th. Or 19th. Or 8th. Depending on who is doing the ultrasound :/
Do you know the sex of the baby: Boy!
Have you picked out names: Noah Þráinn Jónasson. Þráinn being pronounced Thrauw-in.
How much weight have you gained: Enough :)
Do you have stretch marks: I don't THINK so. I can't really tell yet.
Have you felt the baby move: Since week 13. He is a strong one.
Have you heard the heartbeat: Most certainly. It's a beautiful sound.

The Birth
Will you keep the baby: We didn't plan to have him just to give him away...
Home or hospital birth: Hospital!
Natural or medicated birth: Whatever happens when the time comes.
Who will be in the delivery room with you: Jónas, my mom. It depends on who comes.
Will you breastfeed: I am sure going to try my best.
Do you think you'll need a c-section: I haven't the slightest clue
Will you cry when you hold the baby for the first time: My eyes may leak a bit, but I'm not sure.
What's the first thing you might say to him/her: It's so nice to finally meet you face to face.
Would you let someone videotape the birth: Highly doubtful
Are you excited about the birth, or s cared: Mostly excited. A tad bit apprehensive.


Healthy and Homemade said...

"Will you keep the baby: We didn't plan to have him just to give him away..."


you're so cute =)

Kacie said...

What a beautiful name for your son!

My little boy is going to be one year old next week. Oh, time does fly.

When I was about halfway done with being pregnant, I realized that yeah, I wanted to breastfeed, and yeah -- I wanted it to work out!

The problem was, I had no idea how to do it. Because if you've never done it before, how are you supposed to know how?

It's a natural thing that doesn't always come naturally, but it's worth it!

Anyway, I read up on breastfeeding (the La Leche League website and kellymom.com are fantastic resources). I got the contact info of a local LLL member in case I needed help. And I arranged to see a lactaction consultant before I left the hospital. The labor nurses didn't help me at all, so I'm glad that I had some help!

Nursing has gone really well for my son and I. He still nurses and that's fine by me. It's easy now, and it's free.

Just wanted to encourage you to check out some nursing resources if this is important for you.

Best wishes for the rest of your pregnancy!

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