1 month after Noah was born, my entire family (parents and siblings) came to meet new Noah, and we had such a great time. I was so lucky to have had them all come.
My crafting has continued to include adorable baby hats with animal ears on them. Soon they will be available for purchase online, and I am sure you will all love them as much as I do! I have also learned to knit, and have been practicing almost daily.
Life is good, and life is amazing and beautiful. It's so great to stop and be reminded to be thankful for the precious time we have.
For those who read my PUPPPS post, and are wondering how it all turned out, well it took several weeks, about a month actually for it to really 'subside'. I still had a bit here and there for a little longer, and still to this day have random hives show up on my belly, just a few at a time, and they swell really big and are super itchy. I am hoping this will also go away.
Also, I wanted to warn soon to be moms about blocked milk ducts. I had a lot of difficulties in the beginning with breastfeeding, and ended up having a blocked milk duct by the end of the first month. I did all the things that you are told to do, massaging, turning the baby's chin in the direction, hot compresses and ice packs, and nothing worked. I went to the lactation consultant after having it for 3 weeks, and she told me to wait it out. Well a few days after seeing her it became exceedingly inflamed, and huge, it looked like I had a golf ball under my skin. I could barely move my arm, and we went to the doctors - and were prescribed medication. I took the pills for 3 days and then noticed it was way worse, I could see blood pooling under the skin. I was then sent to the hospital, and they ended up having to drain it by sticking a needle in it. It was the worst pain I think I have ever been in. So if you are having difficulties with a milk duct, please press your doctors for the medication if it doesn't go away after about a week. Mine could have been fixed if my lactation consultant had given me the prescription, instead of not listening to me properly. You know your own body.
I am now fully healed and have no problems breastfeeding. I do have a scar from this whole ordeal though. Just pay attention to if it starts to get bigger, that's when you need to get it checked out.
I am now going to entertain you with a few pictures of my son, some with him sporting the new hats I will be selling!

He's so gorgeous Heather!!
I cant believe all the crap you had to go through just to get him here though, and then the problems with your milk ducts. So not cool. I'm so glad you're better though <3
OMG I'm sooo glad to hear your PUPPS went away! I'm 27 wks and i broke out in PUPPS i want to literally tair my skin off, but i see hope. i see your baby and I know all the itching will be worth it!
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